Volpert House 1 Centric Close, London, NW1 7EP

Your Building

The Responsible Person who is legally responsible for managing fire safety in this building is:
Fox Housing Limited of 123 Hightown Way, Smallville, AB12 3DE
Competent Person

The Competent Person who is responsible for day-to-day fire and building safety is:
The fox Housing Fire Safety Team at firesafety@foxhousing.co.uk or 0300 400 500.
Accountable People

The Accountable People who have a legal responsibility to repair any common parts of this High Rise Residential Building are:

• Fox Housing Limited (the Principal Accountable Person)
• Volpert House Management Company Limited
• Big Build Construction and Maintenance Limited

What to do if there's a fire?

This building warrants a Stay Put evacuation strategy, which means:

If the fire is in your flat

You should leave immediately.

If you see a fire in the communal area

You should leave immediately.

If there is a fire in another part of the building

Unless you are directly affected or feel unsafe you should stay put unless told otherwise.

Regular Checks

Fire Risk Assessment

Overall Risk Rating Tolerable
Completed by Fox Housing Limited
FRA was approved on 12/01/2023
FRA is due for review on 12/01/2025

Monthly Equipment Checks

Last check approved on 10 February 2025
Last month
12 of 12 dry risers checked
1 of 1 SIB documentation checked

36 Flat Entrance Doors

12 of 36 inspected within the past three months
24 of 36 inspected within the past six months
36 of 36 inspected within the past twelve months

What's keeping me safe?

Buildings generally have an underlying fire strategy which explains how the building should respond to fire and smoke.

View a summary of fire precautions below.

Flat Layout

Single-storey and multi-storey flats
Escape via front door only
No sprinkler or suppression systems
Entrance hallways offer fire protection
Flat entrance doors open on to corridors

Communal Layout

Single staircase
Ventilated sterile lobbies

Smoke Control

The most significant risk in a fire is often not the fire itself, but the associated smoke. Ideally the smoke's movement is restricted and ventilated away from stairwells and lobbies.

Lobbies and stairwells have mechanical smoke extraction
Flats feature protected hallways which reduce the risk of fire and smoke spread past front doors and into communal areas
Flats front doors open on to corridors reducing smoke spread into lobbies and stairwells
Lobbies are vented and sterile, serving only corridors and the lift and stairwells

Upcoming Improvements

Remedial Actions

Have the lightning protection system inspected and maintained by a professional contractor once per year. The lightning protection system is not currently being inspected or maintained.

Trivial Breach
Three Months
19 Sept 2023

Update the wayfinding signage. Changes to the building layout mean wayfinding signage needs updating. To assist the fire service to identify each floor in a block of flats with a top storey of more than 11m above ground level, floor identification signs and flat indicator signs should be provided.

Serious Breach
Six Months
19 Dec 2023

Report an Issue

Contact Fox Housing to report any issues related to fire safety.

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